Alternative Tuition 14-16.

Gateway Education provides an Alternative Education  service for Secondary schools within the Redcar . Our aim  is to provide quality tuition within a varied curriculum, with a strong focus on embedding Literacy and Numeracy Skills within a formal curriculum , yet offering practical alternatives, to keep our young learners engaged at both KS3 and 4.

We operate a Behaviour Policy , which clarifies our position and rules for Learning and Conduct . The Learner Contract is agreed by both school and Gateway , prior to acceptance into our programmes.This contract is available through our Admin Support . Please email  for more details on daily costs and all other enquiries.

The programme at Gateway is divided into three days. Monday , Thursday and Friday.
Monday morning  starts with Maths and then in the afternoon , we offer English Language.
Thursday morning  is Food Technology in the morning and ICT follows  in the afternoon.
Friday morning we offer Maths and English Language, followed by Art/Design Technology in the afternoon.

The day starts at 9.30 am and ends at 2pm. Most of our pupils use the bus service to access our provision, the bus stop is only yards away  from the Gateway site.
Lunch is provided for pupils who qualify for free school meals. Most students bring a packed lunch. On a Thursday, the Food Technology group prepare their own lunch time meals.

Schools are provided weekly with attendance figures , a behaviour report and if required , a weekly academic review,  covering all the subjects offered at Gateway.

The classes are taught as mixed ability and age  groups,  with specialist teachers and support staff. Gateway also operates a Reward System, which  recognises Academic due Diligence and Effort , which is monitored on a weekly basis.

Class sizes are typically between 8-15 pupils.
Break is from 10.45 am - 11
Lunch is from 12.30 - 1.15pm

                                                            A typical Gateway Classroom

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